Kurt, Hikaru, Alan, and me.
AnnaMarie, Caroline, and my Dad did an awesome job with the party! Thanks so much guys! We had it catered by the Iron Nugget and AnnaMarie and Caroline made all the side dishes. The food was awesome, but I didn't have a whole lot of time to eat. :)
After my party was over, I went to Operation Graduation with the majority of my classmates. We were locked in the college from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. I wasn't sure how fun it was going to be, but I ended up having a really good time after we smuggled in some speakers. We ended up making a little dance party that most people thought they were too cool to join. In the end I think we had more fun than they did, so who cares what they think? I also joined in with the glow in the dark volleyball and then with the giant twister, which was intense. I failed at twister, and volleyball now that I think of it. I am okay at volleyball, but something with my depth perception is all off with glow sticks I think. It was fun though. I was so tired by the end of the night. I think everyone was ready to go home at three, but we had to wait until four. Then, just to make a lot of crabby people even crabbier, the back door of the bus broke and we waited for like 45 minutes for it to be fixed. I actually thought the whole thing was kind of funny, and it reminded me of why I wasn't sad to be graduating from my high school and leaving my class. But I am sad about leaving some people.
Oh, and I ended up winning something in the not-so-random drawing! I won a GPS for the car I don't have. :) Which really means that AnnaMarie and Tyler got a good deal on a GPS for the car they do own.
So, graduation is a beginning for me. I will be starting college at BYU in less than two weeks. I'm looking forward to meeting my roommate in person, starting classes, and making tons of new friends. I'm sad to be leaving my friends and family here, but I will come back home to visit on holidays and maybe for a summer or two. The time will go quickly, and I am excited to start my next big adventure: Freshman Year!
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